Dazz's Mobile Device Weather Station Info Page

Link to Weather Station Home Page

Last update: <#timehhmmss> <#dayname> <#day> <#monthname> <#year>

Cumulus (Zambretti) Forecast: <#cumulusforecast>

Weather Station Forecast: <#wsforecast>

Outside temperature: <#temp><#tempunit>

Temperature change over the last hour: <#TempChangeLastHour><#tempunit>

Temperature trend over the last 3hours: <#temptrendtext>

Average rate of change in temperature over last 3hours: <#temptrend><#tempunit>/hr

Outside humidity: <#hum>%

Estimated wet bulb temp: <#wetbulb><#tempunit>

Sea level pressure is: <#press><#pressunit> and <#presstrend> @ <#presstrendval><#pressunit>/hr

Outside dew point: <#dew><#tempunit>

Apparent temperature: <#apptemp><#tempunit>

Wind chill: <#wchill><#tempunit>

Current heat index: <#heatindex><#tempunit>

Current Humidex: <#humidex>

Average temperature today: <#avgtemp><#tempunit>

Today's temperature range: <#temprange><#tempunit>

Today's heating degree days: <#heatdegdays>

Today's cooling degree days: <#cooldegdays>

Calculated cloud base: <#cloudbasevalue><#cloudbaseunit>

Inside Temperature & Humidity

Inside temperature: <#intemp><#tempunit>

Inside humidity: <#inhum>%

Roving Sensor Temperature & Humidity

Temperature: <#ExtraTemp2><#tempunit>

Humidity: <#ExtraHum2>%

Wind Data

Current wind speed & bearing (avg 10min): <#wspeed><#windunit> <#avgbearing>°<#wdir>

Current wind speed on the Beaufort scale: <#beaufort> - <#beaudesc>

Current wind bearing range (last 10minutes): <#BearingRangeFrom>° to <#BearingRangeTo>°

Latest wind speed reading from console: <#wlatest><#windunit> <#bearing>° <#currentwdir>

Current wind gust (peak 10min): <#wgust><#windunit>

High wind speed: <#windTM><#windunit> @ <#TwindTM>

High Beaufort Windscale: <#Tbeaufort> - <#Tbeaudesc>

High wind gust: <#wgustTM><#windunit> <#bearingTM>° @ <#TwgustTM>

Total wind run today so far: <#windrun><#windrununit>

Today's dominant wind direction: <#domwindbearing>° (<#domwinddir>)

Rain Data

Current rainfall rate: <#rrate><#rainunit>/hr.

The total rainfall so far today: <#rfall><#rainunit>

High rain rate: <#rrateTM><#rainunit>/hr @ <#TrrateTM>

High hourly rain: <#hourlyrainTH><#rainunit> @ <#ThourlyrainTH>

Rainfall in the last hour: <#rhour><#rainunit>

Rainfall in the last 24 hours: <#r24hour><#rainunit>

The total rainfall so far this month: <#rmonth><#rainunit>

The total rainfall so far this year: <#ryear><#rainunit>

Last time it rained: <#LastRainTipISO>

Minutes since last rain gauge tip: <#MinutesSinceLastRainTip>

Consecutive rain days (excluding today): <#ConsecutiveRainDays>

Consecutive dry days (excluding today):: <#ConsecutiveDryDays>


Sunrise time at the station: <#sunrise>

Sunset time at the station: <#sunset>

Length of day in hours and minutes (sunrise to sunset): <#daylength>

Difference between the length of day today and tomorrow: <#tomorrowdaylength>

Start of Civil Twilight at the station: <#dawn>

End of Civil Twilight at the station: <#dusk>

Length of daylight (dawn to dusk): <#daylightlength>

Current phase of the moon: <#moonphase>

Percentage of moon visible (negative value indicates 'waning'): <#MoonPercent>%

Current approximate moon age (0-29 days): <#MoonAge>days

Current moonrise time at the station: <#moonrise>

Current moonset time at the station: <#moonset>

Today's Other Stats

High temperature: <#tempTH><#tempunit> @ <#TtempTH>

Low temperature: <#tempTL><#tempunit> @ <#TtempTL>

High humidity: <#humTH>% @ <#ThumTH>

Low humidity: <#humTL>% @ <#ThumTL>

High pressure: <#pressTH><#pressunit> @ <#TpressTH>

Low pressure: <#pressTL><#pressunit> @ <#TpressTL>

High dew point: <#dewpointTH><#tempunit> @ <#TdewpointTH>

Low dew point: <#dewpointTL><#tempunit> @ <#TdewpointTL>

High Apparent Temperature: <#apptempTH><#tempunit> @ <#TapptempTH>

Low Apparent Temperature: <#apptempTL><#tempunit> @ <#TapptempTL>

High Heat Index: <#heatindexTH><#tempunit> @ <#TheatindexTH>

Low Wind Chill: <#wchillTL><#tempunit> @ <#TwchillTL>

Yesterday's Wind & Rain

Total wind run: <#windrunY><#windrununit>

High wind speed (Beaufort Windscale): <#windYM> <#windunit> @ <#TwindYM> (<#Ybeaufort> - <#Ybeaudesc>)

High wind gust & bearing: <#wgustYM><#windunit> <#bearingYM> @ <#TwgustYM>

Dominant wind direction: <#domwindbearingY>° (<#domwinddirY>)

Total rainfall: <#rfallY><#rainunit>

High rain Rate: <#rrateYM><#rainunit>/hr @ <#TrrateYM>

High hourly rain: <#hourlyrainYH><#rainunit> @ <#ThourlyrainYH>

Yesterday's Other Stats

High temperature: <#tempYH><#tempunit> @ <#TtempYH>

Low temperature: <#tempYL><#tempunit> @ <#TtempYL>

Average temperature: <#avgtempY><#tempunit>

Temperature range: <#temprangeY><#tempunit>

High humidity: <#humYH>% @ <#ThumYH>

Low humidity: <#humYL>% @ <#ThumYL>

High pressure: <#pressYH><#pressunit> @ <#TpressYH>

Low Pressure: <#pressYL><#pressunit> @ <#TpressYL>

High dew point: <#dewpointYH><#tempunit> @ <#TdewpointYH>

Low dew point: <#dewpointYL><#tempunit> @ <#TdewpointYL>

High Apparent Temperature: <#apptempYH><#tempunit> @ <#TapptempYH>

Low Apparent Temperature: <#apptempYL><#tempunit> @ <#TapptempYL>

High Heat Index: <#heatindexYH><#tempunit> @ <#TheatindexYH>

Low Wind Chill: <#wchillYL><#tempunit> @ <#TwchillYL>

Heating degree days: <#heatdegdaysY>

Cooling degree days: <#cooldegdaysY>

All-time, Monthly and Yearly Records

To view All-time, Monthly and Yearly Records click somewhere here :)

New All-time record? YES = 1, NO = 0: <#newrecord>

Other Junk

The version of CumulusMX in use: <#version>

The build of CumulusMX in use / available: <#build> / <#NewBuildNumber>

New CumulusMX build available?: YES = 1, NO = 0: <#NewBuildAvailable>

The web site update interval: <#interval>minutes

The date and time of the last web site update: <#update>

The type of station in use: <#stationtype> <#stationtypeJsEnc>

The station latitude: <#latitude>

The station longitude: <#longitude>

The station altitude: <#altitude>

The station location: <#location>

Longer description of the station location: <#longlocation>

Date that the all time records began: <#recordsbegandate>

Day count since Cumulus records started: <#DaysSinceRecordsBegan>

Number of hours displayed by the graphs: <#graphperiod>

Number of days displayed by the graphs: <#dailygraphperiod>

Realtime update interval: <#realtimeinterval>seconds

Time that the logs rollover to the next day: <#rollovertime>

Is it currently within daylight hours? YES = 1, NO = 0: <#isdaylight>

Is the sun up? YES = 1, NO = 0: <#IsSunUp>

Has station stopped sending data to Cumulus? YES = 1, NO = 0: <#DataStopped>

Current error details (if any): <#LatestError>

Current error timestamp: <#LatestErrorTime> <#LatestErrorDate>

Last time Cumulus read data from the station: <#LastDataReadT>

Sensor Contact is lost! YES = 1, NO = 0: <#SensorContactLost>

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC): <#timeUTC>

PC Info

Operating System version, language: <#OsVersion>, <#OsLanguage>

CPU number: <#CpuCount>

Memory allocated to Cumulus: <#AllocatedMemory>

System Uptime: <#SystemUpTime>

Cumulus Uptime: <#ProgramUpTime>

Link to Weather Station Home Page
Weather Station Realtime Console Page
Monthly, Yearly amd All-time Highs & Lows

Webpage by Dazz
Dec 31 2009
Last updated: Jan 4 2023