Dazz's Mobile Device Weather Station Info Page

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Last update: 12:39:38 Thursday 18 April 2024

Cumulus (Zambretti) Forecast: Showery, becoming less settled

Weather Station Forecast: Rainy

Outside temperature: 26.0°C

Temperature change over the last hour: +3.0°C

Temperature trend over the last 3hours: Rising

Average rate of change in temperature over last 3hours: 0.8°C/hr

Outside humidity: 70%

Estimated wet bulb temp: 22.0°C

Sea level pressure is: 1020.0mb and Falling quickly @ -1.3mb/hr

Outside dew point: 20.1°C

Apparent temperature: 27.3°C

Wind chill: 26.6°C

Current heat index: 26.0°C

Current Humidex: 33.5

Average temperature today: 21.4°C

Today's temperature range: 8.5°C

Today's heating degree days: 0.2

Today's cooling degree days: 0.9

Calculated cloud base: 735m

Inside Temperature & Humidity

Inside temperature: 25.6°C

Inside humidity: 40%

Roving Sensor Temperature & Humidity

Temperature: 14.4°C

Humidity: 66%

Wind Data

Current wind speed & bearing (avg 10min): 13km/h 1°N

Current wind speed on the Beaufort scale: F3 - Gentle breeze

Current wind bearing range (last 10minutes): 315° to 90°

Latest wind speed reading from console: 12km/h 360° N

Current wind gust (peak 10min): 21km/h

High wind speed: 19km/h @ 11:29

High Beaufort Windscale: F3 - Gentle breeze

High wind gust: 27km/h 360° @ 11:29

Total wind run today so far: 50.9km

Today's dominant wind direction: 346° (NNW)

Rain Data

Current rainfall rate: 0.0mm/hr.

The total rainfall so far today: 0.0mm

High rain rate: 2.8mm/hr @ 00:00

High hourly rain: 0.0mm @ 00:00

Rainfall in the last hour: 0.0mm

Rainfall in the last 24 hours: 3.3mm

The total rainfall so far this month: 101.1mm

The total rainfall so far this year: 249.9mm

Last time it rained: 2024-04-17 22:32

Minutes since last rain gauge tip: 847

Consecutive rain days (excluding today): 1

Consecutive dry days (excluding today):: 0


Sunrise time at the station: 06:19

Sunset time at the station: 17:30

Length of day in hours and minutes (sunrise to sunset): 11:11

Difference between the length of day today and tomorrow: There will be 1min 50s less daylight tomorrow

Start of Civil Twilight at the station: 05:54

End of Civil Twilight at the station: 17:55

Length of daylight (dawn to dusk): 12:01

Current phase of the moon: Waxing Gibbous

Percentage of moon visible (negative value indicates 'waning'): 71%

Current approximate moon age (0-29 days): 9days

Current moonrise time at the station: 14:49

Current moonset time at the station: 00:47

Today's Other Stats

High temperature: 27.2°C @ 12:26

Low temperature: 18.7°C @ 04:35

High humidity: 98% @ 00:00

Low humidity: 69% @ 12:27

High pressure: 1025.0mb @ 00:00

Low pressure: 1020.0mb @ 12:37

High dew point: 24.6°C @ 08:29

Low dew point: 18.4°C @ 04:35

High Apparent Temperature: 31.0°C @ 08:29

Low Apparent Temperature: 21.0°C @ 06:12

High Heat Index: 29.2°C @ 12:26

Low Wind Chill: 18.7°C @ 04:35

Yesterday's Wind & Rain

Total wind run: 119.3km

High wind speed (Beaufort Windscale): 15 km/h @ 15:49 (F3 - Gentle breeze)

High wind gust & bearing: 23km/h 157 @ 15:47

Dominant wind direction: 170° (S)

Total rainfall: 3.3mm

High rain Rate: 4.8mm/hr @ 22:01

High hourly rain: 3.3mm @ 22:33

Yesterday's Other Stats

High temperature: 33.8°C @ 14:05

Low temperature: 18.9°C @ 04:32

Average temperature: 23.9°C

Temperature range: 14.9°C

High humidity: 98% @ 00:00

Low humidity: 49% @ 14:43

High pressure: 1029.0mb @ 09:52

Low Pressure: 1024.0mb @ 14:37

High dew point: 25.5°C @ 08:56

Low dew point: 18.6°C @ 04:32

High Apparent Temperature: 38.2°C @ 14:05

Low Apparent Temperature: 21.8°C @ 04:15

High Heat Index: 39.7°C @ 14:05

Low Wind Chill: 18.9°C @ 04:33

Heating degree days: 0.1

Cooling degree days: 3.9

All-time, Monthly and Yearly Records

To view All-time, Monthly and Yearly Records click somewhere here :)

New All-time record? YES = 1, NO = 0: 0

Other Junk

The version of CumulusMX in use: 3.28.6

The build of CumulusMX in use / available: 3283 / 3283

New CumulusMX build available?: YES = 1, NO = 0: 0

The web site update interval: 10minutes

The date and time of the last web site update: 18/04/2024 12:39:38 PM

The type of station in use: Oregon Scientific WMR200 Oregon Scientific WMR200

The station latitude: S 32° 32' 53"

The station longitude: E 151° 09' 52"

The station altitude: 64 m

The station location: Dazz's Weather Station

Longer description of the station location: The weather station on Dazz & Sarah's Roof

Date that the all time records began: 02 January 2010

Day count since Cumulus records started: 5220

Number of hours displayed by the graphs: 72

Number of days displayed by the graphs: 30

Realtime update interval: 30seconds

Time that the logs rollover to the next day: midnight

Is it currently within daylight hours? YES = 1, NO = 0: 1

Is the sun up? YES = 1, NO = 0: 1

Has station stopped sending data to Cumulus? YES = 1, NO = 0: 0

Current error details (if any): WOW update: A task was canceled.

Current error timestamp: 12:10 PM Thursday

Last time Cumulus read data from the station: 18/04/2024 12:39:32 PM

Sensor Contact is lost! YES = 1, NO = 0: 0

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC): 02:39 on 18 April 2024

PC Info

Operating System version, language: Microsoft Windows 10.0.22631 , English (Australia)

CPU number: 4

Memory allocated to Cumulus: 43.36 MB

System Uptime: 6 days 15 hours

Cumulus Uptime: 6 days 15 hours

Link to Weather Station Home Page
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Monthly, Yearly amd All-time Highs & Lows

Webpage by Dazz
Dec 31 2009
Last updated: Jan 4 2023